From hunter-gatherer to farming societies: Perspectives from the north of Southern Levant (Qarassa and Kharaysin)
Juan José Ibáñez
Juan José Ibáñez is a researcher working in the Spanish National Research Council in Barcelona. He started working in the Neolithic Near East during his postdoctoral stay in the Institut de Préhistoire Orientale (France), the research centre funded by Jacques Cauvin, for the study of the use of Neolithic tools under the supervision of Patricia Anderson. Juan coordinated the publication of the site of Tell Mureybet, excavated by Jacques Cauvin. He was postdoctoral fellow in the Universities of Cantabria and Autonomous of Barcelona before entering the Spanish Research Council in 2006. Juan started his own research project in the Near East, surveying the region at the west of Homs (Syria), in collaboration with the Syrian Direction of Antiquities and the Lebanese St Joseph University, in 2003. Since then, he has codirected the excavations of the Natufian sites of Jeftelik and Qarassa 3 (Syria), and the Neolithic sites of Tell Qarassa North (Syria) and Tell Labwe (Lebanon). In 2014, he started the excavation of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of Kharaysin, located in Zarqa (Jordan), in collaboration with Juan Muñiz. He has published numerous papers dealing with the results of these excavations, the use of Neolithic tools, the networks of obsidian exchange and some syntheses on the transition from hunting-gathering to farming societies in the Near East.