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onliNEOLITHIC LECTURE-22 Barbara Horejs
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Pioneers, Seafarers and Farmers at Neolithic Çukuriçi Höyük

Barbara Horejs

The contribution offers an overview of the Neolithic Çukuriçi Höyük situated at the central Aegean coast of western Anatolia in modern-day Selçuk. The site is presented in its environmental context including geoarchaeological results, the 3D modelled landscape and the localisation of important raw material sources, such as chert, jadeit and clay sources. The founding phase of the early Neolithic site going back to 6700 calBC, is discussed in aspects of its pioneers and the broader Neolithisation process of the region. An overview of the late Neolithic villages (c. 6500-6000 calBC) and their spatial organisation is followed by some results on subsistence strategies, resources and networks. Overall, the presentation aims an overview of excavations, surveys and interdisciplinary analyses conducted at Çukuriçi since 2007, funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the European Research Council (ERC 263339).

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